Univision 23 Dallas visited BMCI
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We firmly believe anyone should have the opportunity to have access to quality education and the chance to succeed, no matter what background, where you've been or where you plan to go.
Our commitment is to build comprehensive health and career knowledge through hands-on experience, by implementing a peer-to-peer learning environment. We pride ourselves on providing the region of North Texas with skilled health-care professionals and leaders. B & M Career Institute provides students with universal skill-sets that they can apply in multiple work settings. And help them build a solid foundation and Improving America's workforce one Student at a Time! in Knowledge, Leadership, and Character.
We are committed to being the leading center of education and career development for the DFW Metroplex Area with hands-on training and be the school of choice for individuals seeking a better future, new start, values-based, academically challenging, and structured environment.
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It is great to have a business partner that share the same values and beliefs, but there is another advancement a partner can bring to a business that can be just as valuable. A partner with a secure business network, industry connections, client list, or specific credentials and expertise can also improve your chances of achieving long-term mutual success for our students. We want to thank you for giving us a chance, and make the difference to our community.
The year was 2008, and my husband presented me an idea of opening our own business at that time we were victims of a dreaded condition known as complacency. If you don't know, it's a disease that feeds on a lot amount of hours a day in a job that you don't particularly like and it stops you from chasing your goals, dreams and ambitions because you don't find the time.