Patient Care Technician PCT
The Patient Care Technician training program is designed to prepare aspiring students to function as nursing support personnel, with a double certification you'll be above the level of a Nursing Assistant and will have the opportunity to growth in different areas of the health-care profession they work in multiple medical departments, including Phlebotomist, nursing, respiratory and EKG areas.
Application Fee ApplicationYou will learn principles of infection control, safety, activities of daily living, vital signs, professionalism, meeting nutrition and elimination needs, providing skin care, communication skills (written and verbal), and consideration of growth and development.
The Patient Care Technician is the program that would help you grow in your medical career, the demand of a patient care technician in the State of Texas is highly requested and not just to mention the flexibility of moving from one department to another it's very possible, the best part of this program is that you have multiple career knowledge in one program. Such as; Phlebotomist, EKG Technician, and Nursing Aide Assistant. Will look good on your resume, with this knowledge you'll be on top and have the opportunity to success more rapidly.
Please Note: This Patient Care Technician program description is not necessarily reflective of our curricula program offered at B & M Career Institute campus. This is a summary of general topics you'll learn. Please check your admission campus catalog for details about the program.